Async Rust is about concurrency, not (just) performance
Rust exercises from my university course
PhD postmortem
What part of Rust compilation is the bottleneck?
Automating Cargo project configuration using cargo-wizard
Compiling Rust is testing
Process spawning performance in Rust
Making Rust binaries smaller by default
Examining Rust async iterator approaches
Make the Rust compiler 5% faster with this one weird trick
Adding runtime benchmarks to the Rust compiler benchmark suite
Exploring the Rust compiler benchmark suite
Inspecting rustc LLVM optimization remarks using cargo-remark
How to improve Rust compiler's CI in 2023
Optimizing Rust programs with PGO and BOLT using cargo-pgo
Writing Python like it's Rust
Speeding up the Rust compiler without changing its code
Building Rust binaries in CI that work with older GLIBC
Elsie: programmable presentations
Tools for technical presentations
Contributing to Intellij-Rust #5: Lint attribute completion
Contributing to Intellij-Rust #4: Introduce constant refactoring
Contributing to Intellij-Rust #3: Quick fix to attach file to a module
Contributing to Intellij-Rust #2: Intention to substitute an associated type
Contributing to Intellij-Rust #1: Fixing a bug in Nest Use intention
Contributing to Intellij-Rust #0: Intro & setup
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